That wasn't so hard! Haha. I've always been more of a "Coach and Mentor" than the type to try to sell anything. I put together Elite Hitting Tactics and resonably priced it simply because it works, and I feel like every kid in the WORLD who plays Baseball should understand these principles (the earlier they practice it and understand it, the better off they will be!).
I wish I knew all of this when I was younger because I was always pretty good to be honest. Most Coaches will preach a major comeback story and how they were the underdog simply to sell their product. This wasn't the case for me. I was very good, but at the end of the day was still cut short of my Ultimate dream. And I can tell you right now, that I was pretty darn close to fulfilling that dream.
Along that journey there were just a few things that I learned that I kicked myself about because I didn't learn it sooner. "You don't know, what you don't know!" Had I known the "Elite Hitting Tactics" at a young age, my entire path as a player would have most likely been different. From the confidence I would have had stepping up to the plate, to what I was focusing on against each individual pitcher!
Baseball is a funny game in that, if you fail 70% of the time, YOU ARE AN ALL-STAR! There is nothing else like it in Sports, and for that reason, being able to cut down on the so called "failures" at the plate is exactly what this program is all about.